Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Wait~for sheep!

The wait to start Jos on his herding training... the wait for him to grow up! It makes it harder as he's shown such talent, and wants to work so very badly! I do believe in waiting until the pup is mentally and physically ready to start his "carreer" as a sheepdog. Altho in saying that, I think I'm trying to convince myself not to work Jos on sheep today! It's so tempting once you've seen talent! (sigh)

Jos loves chores! and can't wait to get his hay "fix" :)
Good things come to those who wait? isn't that what they say?

Mentally ready, as I'd like his mind to be in the right place and able to take any pressure that he may encounter, both from the sheep, and from me. Think of a 5 year old child, sure he may have talent but does he have the attention span and maturity?

Physically, as bones and joints are growing, growth plates haven't closed yet, and it's all too easy for a young pup to get injured if he's working and running hard.and besides, his legs are little! and it's hard for him to get around the sheep in the manner I might like. So, I feel starting a pup too young, who doesn't have the ability to "get around" his sheep to control them can encourage the habit of grabbing ahold of one, or running around and thru them in a tight manner, in an effort to get to where he needs to be. And isn't it easier to not establish a habit than it is to undo it?

Howeva... I do put them on stock from time to time, depending on what they show me. I use another "back up dog" to keep sheep from breaking, to keep sheep off the fences, or to just 'lend a hand' when needed. I frequently use young goats, as they don't tend to break and RUN like some sheep do. It's so important to have the right livestock for a puppy.

I guess I'm trying to convince myself not to take Jos to sheep today! Soon, Jos, soon! you've only just turned 5 months old, and your legs are almost, not quite, but almost! long enough :-)

Patience, patience! and while I say, hurry up so we can start our work together on sheep, I treasure the time while Jos is a pup, taking him with me while I do chores, and seeing him grow almost right before my eyes!


  1. It is easy to think of Jos as a big dog and yet his tale is not even done filling in. I want to work his cousin of the same age just to see howready he is yet I worked him only two weeks ago. Flash sat on the deck with me this evening watching the goats just a wiggling inside with want to go work. Alas he is like a 14 yr old not ready to drive but feeling to old to be a child like young. The want, the wait, the better results I believe. Thanks for the posting.

  2. thanks for the lovely comment, how fun that you have Jos's cousin of the same age. :-) it is so hard to wait, i wanted to work with Jos today, love our comparison to the 14 year old driving! Jos is all legs right now, and just started loosing his baby canine teeth... a reminder to me that he's got some growing up to do. :-)
